Skill Assessments

Workplace Prouctivity SkillMap 


If your organization was operating at less than its true capacity for optimal performance, how would you know?

If your business has become too dependent on some employees while others aren't carrying their share of the load, how do you uncover that?

Do you focus your training on the most important productivity skills, targeting both individual and group needs?

Is it possible to reduce training costs, yet improving training effectiveness?

The Workplace Productivity SkillMap assessment and development guide helps any employee pinpoint the specific skills, habits and attitudes they should focus on for improved performance. It includes an assessment of productivity skills in 8 categories (see example below) providing a graphical representation of each individual's unique strengths and growth opportunities.


Individual Assessment and Self-Paced Learning

Individuals can complete the online assessment in less than 20 minutes, then be linked directly to training and development resources based upon their assessment results. A downloadable Development Guidebook helps to focus and structure their learning.

Organizational Assessment and Targeted Training

When a group of employees completes the online assessment, a "Manager Dashboard" is available with robust reporting capability to run aggregate group reports by geography, division, business unit, work group, etc. These aggregate reports provide objective analysis of a group's productivity strengths and development needs. Based on the group results a broad range of training tools are available for targeted skill development.

For each of the 12 skill categories, the following training resources are available:

  • e-learning courses

  • DvD Videos

  • Audio CDs

  • Podcasts

  • Facilitation Guide (for onsite workshops delivered by your trainers) including:

  • Complete workshop scripts

  • PowerPoint presentations

  • Reproducible handout masters

  • Suggested quiz/test questions


Facilitation and Coaching Guide
Provides a detailed guide for with a fully scripted workshop for each of the 8 skill categories. Handouts, overhead masters and PowerPoint presentations are also included for each workshop.

E-learning Modules
Provides complete training in each of the 8 skill categories. Individuals can complete the entire program, but most instead focus only on the skill categories that were identified as development opportunities by the assessment.

Audio CDs and Podcasts
Audio reinforcement is available for each of the 8 skill categories via audio CD or podcast. Every audio reinforcement program is designed to reinforce the new skills, habits and attitudes that are emphasized in the Facilitated workshops.

Workplace Productivity SkillMap

Workplace Productivity SkillMap




Skill Assessments

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